just an eerie sentimentalist
April 14, 2014 | by oemb1905
just an eerie sentimentalist
a radicalist reactionary of diatribe proportions
a buggy drawn bitcoin with a dogey dollop
malicious miser
nothing but an independent considerer
a philosophical nihlist anarcho capitalist
a lover of tradition
the halo of the known subversive
and the dogma of the contrarian
just an eerie sentimentalist
free liberty social contract dogmatist
self reflectless bastard noble mythoi
a happy aristophanic glee
towards a virulent vivacious village
just a petty piscreant ... loosing
canon bibliophile
black afro latino judezmo adorer
racial categorizer unknown identifier ... thought
just an eerie sentimentalist
another playa con queso raza
but if you que buck con dis contendre?
n some day and same holla
anutha day motha dolla ... heard that?
hard iconic claxis banging praxis in kind
a dunno if no its known ...
get good be wanted then regretted
if a feel it, forget it, master donate r#$p3cT
just an eerie sentimalist
mainstream hippy flash trash
progressive info junk ... lite mail monger
a reflective bash mashup
i RGB gleaning of sheens unsought
tycho rake of the microcosmic underpinning
cerrillo judah nasi proper
k lockstep the fight persistent wit
drink broadly aether craft muses ... thread
... just an eerie sentimentalist …
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